ITN T-OP Training Network for Optimizing Adoptive T cell Therapy of Cancer, funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie program, H2020 with Grant Agreement no 955575.


Offer description

T-OP Training Network for Optimizing Adoptive T cell Therapy in Cancer is an Initial Training Network funded by the European Union. It started on March 1, 2021 and has a duration of four years. The network comprises 17 partners, from academia, industry, and public authority, located in seven different countries.

T-OP aims at improving the efficacy and production of cell therapies. It will ensure the training of future experts to develop new therapeutic solutions, providing them with a program of excellence.

Over the last years, cancer immunotherapy – using a patient’s own immune system to fight tumors – has emerged as an important complement to standard treatments. In particular, adoptive T cell therapy (ACT) is a promising form of immunotherapy of cancer, consisting of the collection, transformation, and re-infusion of the patient’s own T cells to fight the cancer.

The generation of such ACT products is a complex but ill-defined process with limited harmonization across production and clinical studies, even for the same indication. Cytokines are a key element of in the production of these products, as they are responsible for the growth and differentiation of T-cells.

There is however a limited understanding as to which cytokines might lead to the best outcome at any of these steps. T-OP targets a pioneering research question: how do cytokines influence the therapeutic outcome of ACT products? T-OP brings together interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial teams spanning large and small-sized companies as well as experts in different aspects of cell therapy, immunology, protein engineering, and bioinformatics.

One open position in Herlev, Denmark: Project 14 (ESR14): β2-adrenergic receptor signaling in T cell function. The β2-adrenergic receptor is the main receptor for adrenalin which when secreted in high amounts e.g., during exercise, lead to mobilization of cells of the immune system, including T and NK cells. The current project is closely associated to a clinical trial in which lung cancer patients are offered participation in a monitored and supervised exercise training program (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04263467), and has a focus on the functional  implications of signaling through the β2-adrenergic receptor in T and NK cells. In Denmark, Copenhagen, at Region Hovedstaden, University Hospital Herlev, National Center for Cancer Immune Therapy (CCIT-DK; https://www.herlevhospital.dk/ccit-denmark/Sider/default.aspx). Supervised by Professor Per Thor Straten and Postdoc Gitte Holmen Olofsson.

We seek: Excellent scientists with a Master’s degree or equivalent in natural sciences or related disciplines (such as medicine or pharmacy); practical skills in modern laboratory work, preferentially combined with experience in animal experiments.

We offer: Cutting edge research projects and training with leading experts in the field of cell therapy; employment contract full-time for three years with the benefits of the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie program with the possibility of earning a doctoral degree (PhD or equivalent).

Your profile: You must be within your first four years of research experience after completion of your Master’s degree or equivalent; you cannot hold a doctoral degree (except medical doctor) at the time of recruitment; you cannot have spent more than 12 months within the past 36 months in the country where the position you are applying for is located (mobility rule) (i.e. Denmark); you must be proficient in the English language both written and spoken (proof required).

Application procedure

The two-stage application procedure will be carried out in compliance with the Code of Conduct for Recruitment and the Charter for Researchers.

  • The first stage consists of sending your documents and filling out the required information within the application portal of T-OP, https://www.portal.graduatecenter.uni-muenchen.de/ocgc/t-op , by Friday April 30th, 2021. Please note that we will only evaluate fully completed application forms that are submitted via the application portal of T-OP before the deadline. 
  • Second stage: Selected candidates from the first stage will be invited for interview, possibly remotely, with the supervisor of the position for which the candidates have applied.

Deadline: April 30, 2021 at 23:00. Expected start date: September 1, 2021

Read more at: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/616145






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